what can you learn here?
Athletic Training
- 1:5Faculty/Student Ratio
- 16%Job Growth (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
- $62KAverage Salary (2021 NATA Salary Survey)
Clinical Leadership and Management
- 5340healthcare management jobs in KY (U.S. BLS)
- 32%job growth (U.S. BLS)
- 1:23Faculty/Student Ratio
Communication Sciences and Disorders
- $73kmedian annual salary (National Median Pay, U.S. BLS)
- 21%job growth (2018-28, U.S. BLS)
- 100%licensing exam pass rate
Human Health Sciences
- 50%+student's awarded Dean's list
- 3.63average gpa
- 98%graduate rate
Medical Laboratory Science
- $61kmedian annual salary (National Median Pay, U.S. BLS)
- 16%job growth (2012-24, U.S. BLS)
- 100%licensing exam pass rate
Physical Therapy
- 100%employment rate
- 34%job growth (2012-24, U.S. BLS)
- 99%licensing exam pass rate
Physician Assistant Studies
- $121kmedian annual salary (National Median Pay, 2021 U.S. BLS)
- 28%job growth (2021-31, U.S. BLS)
- 1768graduates since 1974 fulfilling our mission
Rehabilitation and Health Sciences PhD Program
- 8disciplines
- $39Mgrant funding
- 3.6average years to graduation